Soil and Fertiliser series

Trace element requirements
Ensure good animal and plant health by regularly monitoring the trace element status on your farm.

Aluminium toxicity
Avoid restricted root growth due to soil aluminium toxicity using lime or tolerant legume species.

Nitrogen fertiliser use
Lift pasture production in spring or autumn by applying nitrogen fertiliser strategically.

Sulphur requirements
Sulphur is required on most hill country soils because sedimentary soils are unable to supply Sulphur to plants.

Soil and pasture testing protocols
To get insights into assessing your business performance, identify imbalances, target any nutrient shortfalls, and limit negative impacts on the environment - you need to know your soil nutrient status

Nutrient and lime requirements for red and white clover swards
Key nutrients and lime are needed to optimize pure clover swards

Potassium requirements
Carry out a soil Quick Test K (QT K) before considering applying K as part of your fertiliser regime

Phosphorus requirements
Maximise your investment and help protect waterways by monitoring for soil P regularly to inform fertiliser applications

Lime use
Apply lime to reduce acidity which can limit legume establishment and growth

Fertiliser and lime strategies
Monitor your soil nutrient levels over time to determine how to best spend your fertiliser budget

Nutrient and lime requirements of lucerne
Ensure adequate plant nutrition by annually testing the soil and herbage of your Lucerne stands